Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 12

This morning THEY encouraged me to forgo the hike because of the extreme cold. I have to admit that it was a bad idea for me to go on the hike since I had already had some asthma issues going to Yogalates early this morning. But, THEY didn't know that. I guess THEY were trying to avoid a 911 situation. I was more concerned with not appearing wimpy and wanted to make up for yesterday.

No hiking meant that I had 2 hours of Cardio Blast. This time no burping acid--although, I am not completely unclogged.

I am thinking that I wasn't the only one slacking yesterday because today all of the trainers decided to work us through advanced versions of Mountain and Cardio Intervals. In Advanced Mountain class, the idea is to cut the mountain into quarters and jump 25% with each increase and spend 5 minutes there--instead of increasing a level every 3 minutes as in Basic Mountain.  In other words, I began on the elliptical at level 8 (2 levels up from last week. Go me!) Then, I jumped to level 12, then 16, then 20. At the top of the mountain, we went full speed for 5 minutes. Then backed down to 75% for 5 minutes. Then back to the top for 4 minutes. Back to 75% for 4 minutes. Then, back and forth for 3,2,1 minutes. 
It is a tough workout. I highly recommend it. You will burn major calories.

I rocked in Advanced Cardio Intervals. Then I took 2 Zumba classes. The guest instructor assumed that I had taken many classes before. LOL. Probably for the same reason that some of the housekeeping staff thought I spoke Spanish. Not the first time!!! 

In our lecture for departing guests, we discussed our RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). This is the amount of energy (aka amount of calories) your body needs to complete the basic functions of breathing, keeping your heart beating, etc, with very little activity.  Any energy (calories) taken in above that means a potential weight gain for the day. So, a mere 500 extra calories a day will mean a one pound weight gain each week. (3,500 calories = one pound)
We also talked about how easy it is to take in 500 extra calories especially since so many of us are accustomed to eating several servings of any given item. For example,  how many servings of cereal does your favorite bowl hold? I can't wait to see how many servings of JoeO's  I actually eat in the morning.
(Of course, if you are very active, then you will have to account for that extra fuel/calories needed in order not to lose weight.)

To figure out your RMR you can go to 
After you figure out your current RMR, given your sex, weight, height and age, enter the same information, but with your goal weight. That will tell you how many calories you should eat to reach/maintain that weight. In other words, if I wanted to weigh 125 lbs, as I did on my wedding day, then I need to eat like a 125 lbs girl. 

When it's all said and done, it's just a math problem. Calories In v.s Calories Out. Right?
It also seems that after a few weeks of weighing, measuring and calculating calories, it should become easier since most people eat the same 10-12 things over and over.

At least that's what I'm telling myself. I will have to get back to you on that!!!
By the way, 2 chocolate covered strawberries is 90-100 calories. Bummer huh? I could eat those my the handful. I guess that's another reason to give up Mt. Dew. At 110 calories a can, I'd rather have chocolate covered strawberries.

Until tomorrow...2 days to go!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 11

I have to say that today totally sucked. The suckfest began first thing this morning when the results of too much fiber and too little water became evident. Things began slowing down several days ago, at which point I began drinking more water, SmoothMove Tea and taking Phillips.
All to no avail!! So, I think the problem could also be a faux period. All the women here seem to be "synching up". Although, I don't have girly periods any more, I seem to still get the other side effects.

Whatever the reason, the bottom line is that I woke up this morning fully stopped, clogged, backed-up, (aka full-of-shit)! Let me be the first to tell you that being constipated and working out 6-7 hours a day is the definition of Hell. (Up until now, I thought it was catering to psycho parents, who don't want to hear the truth about their little darlings.) During Cardio Blast, which I chose instead of hiking this morning, I kept burping up acid. "Yum! And can I have more?"
Gum and water did not help.

I knew I was in real trouble when the dark Monica surfaced. I kept thinking rude comments about anyone who was larger or smaller than I am. Plus, I wanted to stab my trainer. I mean I've thought about it before--especially since all the trainers here seemed to have gone to the Jane Fonda school of counting, meaning there are 5-6 counts between our usual ordinal numbers: 8, 7, 6, etc. and when I've clearly completed 20 reps, they yell out 7--but, today I even visualized the stabbing. I was spiraling.

After lunch, I was still miserable. I didn't eat much. It seemed counter productive and would only add to the problem. The mushroom soup was tasty. I got my 12 almonds, but didn't eat them.
I bombed BALL class. Just ask the french-fry sized trainer who seemed to be looking right at me saying, "don't let a little burn stop you. You must not want it bad enough."
I forced myself through TREADING--could have done better. Was bummed about it. Still am!

Before dinner I took desperate measures. LOL. I gave myself a soap suppository. I had seen my mother give by baby brother one many times before.... It felt like someone stuck a red-hot poker in my rear. I wouldn't recommend it! On the other hand, it got the job done. Things are moving. Hopefully, they will continue to do so. Wish me luck. I don't want to have 5 extra pounds of crap screwing up my Sunday weigh-out.

I can't eat cherry crumb pie to make myself feel better. But, I can do the next best thing because there is a jewelry artist her peddling her wares; And, there is always QVC. Shopping is awesome.
Russ: Consider this a warning!
Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 10

I'm sorry I didn't get to post last night. I went to a group therapy session after dinner with the life coach on staff.  Afterwards, I did laundry. Then, crashed.
The therapy session was more of the same: People are nervous--or even afraid--to leave because they are unable to trust themselves around food and won't be able to exercise for 7 hours a day.  I am not nervous. Maybe, I am being naive. But, I don't think food has that much power over me. I just need to get organized and cook more meals--instead of mostly snacking all day. Well, that and to follow the carbohydrates, protein and fat combination rule at each meal. I can't believe how few calories I need eating this way.

It's cold and rainy again. In fact, it's snowing. 
Just like early last week, I am miserable. I hate hiking in the rain and going from class to class in the cold. One would think that because I am already wet with sweat that it wouldn't matter. But, it does. aargh!
Plus, I now have standard issue jungle rot on my feet--since they are wet 10 plus hours a day.
Burning, peeling and itchy feet seem to make the classes harder. LOL.
Ok, enough whining. Thanks for listening.

My situation could be worse. Several people were injured yesterday and today while hiking--sprain ankles, torn ligaments, etc. Thank goodness, I am not one of them! One lady planned to stay for another week. But, she has to reschedule for October after letting her knee heal. She is bummed big time.

Anyway, I plan to keep working hard. Although tomorrow, I will do 2.5 hours in the gym doing cardio, instead of hiking. I just CAN'T hike tomorrow in this weather.
I feel like my body is changing. 
4 more make magic happen.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 8

I made a bad move this morning: I didn't eat all of my 1/2 C. of fruit with breakfast. It was rather bland and tasteless and the open-face whole wheat english muffin sandwiches with turkey bacon and scrambled eggs seemed filling enough. So, I passed on the fruit. BAD IDEA because half-way through my morning hike my blood sugar crashed. I saw silver sparkles and had the shakes. This was happening at the top of a very, very high cliff.  I was worried. Fortunately, I had brought an extra pack of EmergenC. Taking a break to drink that, and have 12 almonds, saved me. I did not want to be the only ever helicopter rescue. How embarrassing would that have been--just because I didn't eat my fruit like THEY told me on the first day!

Besides, almost passing out from lack of energy, today's hike was quite an adventure for several other reasons. First of all, we hiked Gila Trail in Red Desert. Somewhere along the way, we found ourselves on top of a series of boulders that had about a 12-14 inch wide walking space with a VERY HARD and VERY LONG fall into a deep canyon to the left and the right. My only options were to hold in my core muscles and focus on getting back to Miles and Harrison...Sorry Rusty, didn't think about you until later! But, you're still my favorite husband. 
(I wish that I had pictures for you, but my camera was dead. No worries! I have it all charged for tomorrow's hike.) Secondly, all of this was happening with a very full bladder. You know how I said yesterday that I was going to kick it up a notch and drink twice as much water? Well, that left me needing to go the the bathroom 30 minutes into the hike, although I had just gone less than 30 minutes beforehand.  There was no trees in sight, just low growing shrubs--yucca and cactus. It was then that I realized that I have NEVER tinkled outside. I am not sure that I have that skill set. I could see myself going down in a low squat,  but never getting up again. And how do you not tinkle on your britches? These are all the things that ran through my mind. Well, up to and then after the boulders. There's something about a life and death situation that puts your bladder on hold. 
Clearly, I made it back in one piece. What a day, huh?

From my morning fruit fiasco I realized that if I am going to have the energy that I have here when I return to the real world, then I must have complex carbs, a protein and a fat at each meal--with 40-50% of it being complex carbs. Also I  found that Propel water helped me get my mojo back for the rest of the day's workouts following my morning sugar crash. Just having lunch didn't help. When that happens back home, I usually grab chocolate. Not any more!!! 

The newbies look scared out of their wits. I imagined that I looked the same last Monday. So, I just smile and answer questions when I can. I hope none of them disappear!  I can understand the desire to quit, but it seems ashame to pay all this money and then come all the way to Utah just to quit the first week.  

It's time for my facial...Until tomorrow! 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 7-- An Off Day!

Today I was invited to take a trip to Bryce Canyon to see the Hoodoos. Unfortunately, it was cloud covered and in the midst of a snow storm, so the trails were closed. We couldn't see a thing. On the way back, we drove through Red Canyon and Zion Park. Again, I was in awe of my surroundings.

Tonight I have to regroup for another week. I am excited. It's not nearly as frightening as last Sunday when I wasn't sure that I could pull this all off.  Now, I know that I can.  This week I plan to work out harder and drink 2x as much water.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner Menu:
  • Grilled Turkey Steak
  • Chipotle Sweet Potato Puree
  • Broccoli w/Pineapple Orange Cranberry Sauce
  • No Bake Pumpkin Pie or Nog Shake

The Recipes:

Pineapple Orange Cranberry Sauce
Serves 8
Serving size 1 ounce
1 C.     fresh cranberries
1/2 C. pineapple juice
1 tsp.  orange zest
1 T.     balsamic vinegar
1 T.     Truvia
1 1/2 T. honey

Add all ingredients to a sauce pan and stir. Simmer for approximately 5-10 minutes until the sauce reduces to half. Blend until smooth and cool down in refrigerator.

No Bake Pumpkin Pie
Serves 12
Serving Size: 1-2"x2" square
calories: 88

1 1/2 C. Grape Nuts
2 blocks of Mori Nu silken light tofu
2T.   water
2 vanilla Mori Nu pudding mix
1 C. pumpkin filling unsweetened
1 T.  vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon

In a 9x9 pan add the Grape Nuts so that the bottom of the pan is evenly coated. In a blender, add tofu, water, and pudding mix. Blend until smooth. In a medium bowl, stir together the blended pudding mix, pumpkin filling, vanilla, and cinnamon. Slowly add the mixture to the top of the Grape Nuts (be careful not move the crust around). Smooth it out with a spatula. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 days so the pudding can soak into the Grape Nuts.
If you don't mind crunchy Grape Nut texture you can eat before 2 days. Cut into 12 pieces.

EggNog Shake
serves: 8
Serving size: 1 cup
Calories: 109
4 C. ice
3 C. Silk Nog (only 90 calories per cup)
3 medium bananas, peeled, frozen
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 T. vanilla exract
2 T. Truvia

In a blender add all the ingredient together. Then blend until smooth--a milkshake like consistency. Split the mixture between 8 small glasses. Garnish with cinnamon.

Day 6

Our hike was a 4 mile trail along West Canyon.  Here is some of what I saw...all beautiful:

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I didn't sleep much last night. 
I miss my 3 boys: Russ, Miles and Harrison.

I will probably cry a lot today. But, I won't eat pie. LOL

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 5

So as it turns out, the older lady that was so afraid that I would keel over during my hike on Day 3, was also one of the guides today. Her name is Sue and she is 66 years old. Sue has climbed Camel Back 10 times before. She was like a little lizard on the mountain, hoping from rock to rock with ease. While talking to her, I learned that when she has to take the hike slowly because of the likes of me, Sue then swims laps in the pool in order to get a real workout! I knew how hard I was working. Yet, she was barely phased.  I do mean "phased" here because as I was going back and forth through phases of OMG! WTF? to I can do this, Sue remained calm and serene. No matter my mood, her consistent response was, "Yes, but wait until you reach the top".  This is really hard! Yes, but wait until you reach the top. Wow, water really can do some interesting things to sandstone. Yes, but wait until you reach the top!  

I decided that I want to be Sue in 20 years and I told her so. (She blushed.) Hopefully, it won't take me 20 years to undo the damage I've done to my body with my not so fabulous choices--stress eating and lack of enough activity. Sue has clearly made other choices; and it shows!

This afternoon, instead of a lecture, we had a session where people were encouraged to share what this week at Fitness Ridge has meant to them. It was very eye opening and inspiring, and also sad at times. Some people are afraid to leave the resort, knowing that food will be there and they feel powerless to make good choices once the real world takes over again with stress, tight schedules and no professional chef  cooking for you and telling you what you will be eating. Others are afraid that they would undo the gains made while here. There were tears of anger and regret about being in the predicament of having poor health and being overweight. 
I tried to stay positive about the fact that I am doing something now. I'd like to think that it's never too late to make changes as long as you are 6 feet above ground. 
However, an hour or so later, I did find myself spiraling into a depression worried that there would be no change on the scale after all of my hard work and that I may still fall prey to diabetes. Fortunately, there were no cherry crumb pies near by and I was able to pull myself out of it by remembering that I have climbed 2 mountains in the last 2 days. I am closer to NOT getting diabetes than I was last week. Right?

On a funny note: there is a guest here who is in my hiking group. (I can't tell you his name because I didn't get his permission to be included in my blog.)  Anyway, his wife is very overweight and he has let us know that he is not pleased and is running out of patience about the problem. Namely: her complaining, lost of vitality, etc.  He is here, mostly, in support of her. 
Anyway, while on our travels today, the van passed a small farm that had a well-hung donkey. There were jokes and laughs about Viagra and Cialis and about needing to call a doctor. This guy then asked if the driver would back up so he could take a picture of this donkey, so that his wife could see what she was missing. Then, he snickered. 
So, I was left wondering, was he referring to his wife missing the unusual sight of a donkey in Utah, or the sight of a well hung donkey. Through his sarcasm and frustration it's easy to tell that he is bothered and saddened by their lack of intimacy, so it could go either way. Right?
I will not be asking him to clarify!!! 

Day 5 Hike

 Today's hike was Camel Back. We drove to a height of 4,000 feet, then climbed another 800 ft.
Almost to the top! Only an hour and half to go.
Along the way. Notice the Horse and Rider on the rock? It's painted by weathering.
Looking out, while catching my breath. Yes, it's a cinder volcano.
At the top!
 Still, at the top
It was worth the effort. I am glad I didn't give up! Just think! I use to think rock climbing and hiking were so stupid. Now, I see them as challenging puzzles.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 4--More Pictures!

Above: A Snow Canyon trail 2 days ago. 

Right: Piano Peak from afar.
Left: A lone cactus plant in Snow Canyon.

Day 4

 The Movie: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was shot in Snow Canyon.

It stopped raining and the natives went
wild. The guides took us OFF
trail. We hiked Snow Canyon. 

One of the most famous peaks is Piano Peak--because it looks like a baby grande piano from afar. THEY say, you haven't done Fitness Ridge until you've done Piano Peak. The elevation is 4,ooo ft. It was hard to climb. Fortunately, there is a nurse practitioner in my group (She is here with her 16 yr. old son.) who told me that she could hear my wheeze and that I needed to hit my inhaler BEFORE going up any further because the air would be colder. She waited for me until I could say the word SHIT. Yes, I am serious. Apparently, if you can say all the letter sounds of the word SHIT with emphasis, then your airways are good. I never knew that!

I made it to the top of several peaks and then down--sometimes purposely sliding on my butt, other times not.  But, it all felt amazing!! And really worked my core and glutes. I will be doing the Snow Canyon hike again, as many times as possible. 

My best workout today was something called Thursday Treading. It burns a tremendous amount of calories and blasts through any weight loss plateaus. It is recommended that you do it once a week--no more, or your body will get use to it. Thursday is the day that all Biggest Loser alum tread. So, here's how you tread: using the cardio machine of your choice you workout as hard as you can (level/speed) for 5 minutes. Then, you recover for 5 minutes. After you recover, you workout giving your all for 4 minutes, then recover for 4 minutes. Repeat same cycle for 3,2,1 minutes. Of course, THEY asked that we try to raise the level or speed with each cycle. I did just that. No, I didn't puke this time, not even a little. But, many folks did. By the way, around here, giving all you've got is "just short of puking." Meaning you feel like it, but you don't.

I will be treading next Thursday--twice. You should too--at least once!

My next favorite class was Ball. I am learning just how wicked that oversized rubber exercise ball can be. Try this ASAP. While standing, rest the ball directly in front of you. Now, with your arms stretched out straight, bounce the ball as fast as you can. Simple, right? Try it. If your triceps aren't burning and your heart rate up after 1 minute, then you aren't doing it right. 

For dessert tonight, we had a cobbler that was so fabulous it will replace my Just Pies addiction as soon as I can talk Chef Cameron into giving me the recipe. 
He taught us how to make a delicious Greek Pita. Of course, mine was without feta. We also learned how to make Banana Cream Pie and Egg Nog Shake with tofu. I will post those recipes soon. My notes are still in the laundry room.

Since the sun came out and the grey is gone, everyone is feeling fabulous, determined and energized. Including me.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 3

Sorry I couldn't give an update last night on Day 2.  The Internet was out in my room.
The power went out around 6PM today and just came back on 10 minutes ago.
The highlights from Day 2: everyone's emotions were/are running high. Several people have disappeared. I assume they are hiding in their rooms and will reappear when the weather is less horrible. Then again, I am finding that there are many Type A people here, people who want/need to be successful at everything they try and if they can't be fabulous, then scrap the whole thing.

I know. You're thinking: It takes one, to know one. And, you are absolutely right! However, I am learning that there is a middle ground and even if I can't workout for the entire hour at 100%, working out at 75% is better than nothing. I hope, I remember that when I get home and my head is full of excuses at 5:30AM, or after a long day of work. If nothing else, I have learned that I can still workout although I am tired. I have been doing it for more than 2 days now!!!

When I arrived this past Sunday, the locals were saying that it hadn't rained for 5 days in a row in 14+ years. But, now the shear volume of water has them remembering 5 years ago when many homes were washed away in the area--St. George. They are worried. However, the staff folks are still trying to put on a brave face for the rest of us and are repeatedly reminding us of why we signed up for this and not to let a bit of rain stop us. 

Highlights for Day 3:

  • All hiking trails were breached by water. So, we hiked the neighboring streets. It was miserable. But, I made it to the bottom of Red Mountain. Getting there seemed to be a 45 degree angle all the way and the higher elevations felt like I was breathing with a pillow on my face. But, I MADE IT.  Actually, I sort of had to because one of the guides was a 65-70 year old woman, who felt compelled to keep checking on me. I couldn't die right in front of her. She was soooo concerned. I just smiled and said I was fine. Next thing you know, I was. I had survived.
  • I rocked in all of my afternoon classes. 1 Kickboxing, which made Taebo laughable and 2 Mountain classes. In the Mountain class, you are working out on a cardio machine. (I chose an elliptical and then a recumbent bike.) You start in your low-medium range and then every 3 minutes you increase speed or resistance for a total of 12 increases. At the top of your mountain, you hang-out for an additional 3 minutes, giving it all you've got the last minute and half. I got up to level 13 on the elliptical, with speed 9....I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I finished. Yet, I was proud.
Here is the best part! I did all of that on 800 friggin' calories and was not hungry. I am beginning to belief that when you eat the right foods, they really do fuel your body.  This crazy little muffin, with a 1/2 cup of fruit kept me going through the 2.5 hr hike and an aerobics class. You gotta make them.

Chef Cameron's Muffins
3/4 C    oat flour
3/4 C    instant oats
1/2 tsp  baking soda
2 tsp     baking powder
1/4 C   dehydrated cane sugar
1/4 C   egg (1 large egg)
1 T      cinnamon
1 t       vanilla
1 T     pecans
1/3 C  frozen peaches chopped (you may use any fruit)
1/3 C  applesauce
2/3 C  apple juice

Mix well. Fill 6 jumbo muffin tins three qtrs full.
Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Check around 20 min for lower elevations.
Drizzle with small amount of honey on top. Serve warm.
They can be frozen for about a week.

Thanks to everyone cheering me on. I really do remind myself of your encouragement when I am ready to hide. (This is especially true because I doubt THEY would find me. Some of the THEY think my name is Cheryl, married to some guy name Larry. Larry's real wife's name is Keisha. LOL.)

Until tomorrow. Lord willing and the creek don't rise--some more!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2

I woke this morning with a sore throat and coughing: yellow, green and red stuff-- ALL the wrong colors.
I am so worried that I will be knocked out of the ring by a cold. That would totally suck!
If only I could get dry and warm. I am sure that would help.

I made it to 6:00AM yogalates. I left for class early because I knew I would have to hobble to get there. Every part of my body ached--and still does.

I ended up being assigned to the hiking group for Intermediate Turtles. Today was much better because I had my iPOD and didn't have to make small talk with others. Talking, while hiking for maximum calorie burn, just doesn't work for me.

I did spend part of the hike crying in the rain. (Hey, I think that is an old R&B song.) I am just soooo tired, wet and homesick.  We only did 6 miles. Part of the trail was washed away by all this rain. (There are flood warnings in the area.)

Yet, I am no quitter. So, I will make it to all of my classes today and give 100%.

Thanks so much to Jim McMahon and my Russ for great music on my iPOD.

See you after lunch, etc.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 1

It's 7:30PM. Apparently I made it through Day One and what a day it's been!

It started at 5:00AM when I woke a bit startled by my surroundings, which then grew into a full blown panic attack when I remembered where I was and why. I wanted more than anything to bail. First of all, it was still dark outside, secondly it was raining--hard, and thirdly, I knew a big bowl of Cherrios and 2 slices of toast with butter & strawberry jam (my breakfast of champions) was NOT in my immediate future. Anyway, I stumbled into the bathroom, figuring that would be a good place to regroup. There I was met head-on with a mirrored reflection of myself in my new PJ's. The sight was as scary as using Katie's bathroom at work. I mean who really needs to see a full body reflection of themselves taking a tinkle. Long story short, I got my mojo back!!!

The first class was 6:00AM yogalates. I was there at 5:50AM because here early is on time and on time is late. The instructor Brooke sounded like she was from Fargo (don't cha know).
For 45+ minutes, I just heard Frances McDormand's character instructing my to do what seemed impossible due to my opposing adipose tissue (aka. a big FAT belly).

During the hike, the Eagles took off running. I was not amongst them. But, nor was I a Turtle. Let's say I was a Koala (not names the folks here give, but my own interpretation).  I was the best of the Koala's. That is for the first 3.5 miles. Thanks to higher elevations and blisters, I ran out of steam, the other Koalas passed me and I found myself hiking with the lead Turtles. Those $16 frictionless socks did nothing to help. Tomorrow I plan to use duct tape on all the prone spots and use my regular socks. Yes, THEY recommended the duct tape, which is waaaaay cheaper than $16. Why didn't they just say that in the first place. All in all, we hiked 6+ miles. We were drenched from sweat and rain. Supposedly, we burned 1000 calories--give or take.

Lunch was fabulous: tortilla soup and a salad of mixed greens with pecans, blueberries and strawberry vinegarette. Hopefully, I can talk Russ into learning how to make the soup.

I rocked in Core Training--on that big exercise ball. You know the one. Plus, I held my plank twice the required time.
I was totally lame in H2O Intervals. I was the only one who managed to swim laps while remaining in the same place. I did NOT get my heart rate up by treading water with my hands on my head because I kept sinking to the bottom. I thought fat was supposed to float. I did get extra points for making a big splash. And the Blue Team was recognized for having perfect attendance. Go Blue Team!!!!!
I plan to skip H2O tomorrow and do a second Circuit or Core class.

I can't believe how much energy I still have on just 1,200 calories. I will go to bed early anyway, as recommended. We were told if you don't hurt, then you aren't doing it right. I did alot of things right because I really, really hurt. Tomorrow I have a massage scheduled. (Yes, it's extra $$. I hope he is as good as I am.)
I wish it would stop raining. THEY say it has not rained this much in Utah in the last 14 years+.
It is suppose to rain all week.
I like the red dirt.

Last Night's Orientation

As it turns out, there are people here of all shapes and sizes. I am not the smallest, nor am I the largest.
What is most impressive is that there are some people who have been here for 4-6 weeks already.  One lady has been here for 4 months straight, and she says she doesn't want to leave. (Maybe she's hiding from the mob.) I can't help but wonder what those people do for a living that allows them that much time off and the money to afford it. I also wonder why they would want to be tortured for that many weeks in a row. I may work up the nerve to ask. Maybe the program isn't as tough as I imagine!

The repeated advice that we got was "to protect your feet at all cost. Use duct tape, band-aids and Body Glide, and friction-less socks to prevent blisters. I bought the very expensive socks.

I also heard that I should be drinking half my body weight in water daily. I laughed--Out loud!!! Can you imagine? Who has that much time to go to the bathroom?

"If you ate it, then you must negate it" is the other thing I heard over and over. Isn't that catchy? I plan to make myself a t-shirt. We are allowed 1,200 calories a day. We are free to grab a few carrots, an orange, an apple, a banana, 12 almonds, or one boiled egg if we need more. Each of those is an extra 100 calories. By the way, I eat almonds by the handful back home.

They also warned that they will call LOCK DOWN if any contraband is found. Contraband includes: any candy, any caffeine and any other food NOT provided by the chef. We were told that the housekeeping staff will report us. I do have 2 Trio bars still tucked away. I don't no wether to turned them in or keep them for the trip home. I am jonesing for my Mt. Dew.  I wish I hadn't fallen off the wagon just weeks ago.

In the end, we were told to consider our stay compassionate boot camp! 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Zero/Arrival/Orientation

When Harrison realized that the Biggest Loser Resort is in Utah, he said, "Aren't there a lot of Mormons there? You can be shot! Or worse--converted!"

Well, I am definitely in Mormon country. In fact, I am told that Brigam Young (sp?) was born right here in Ivins, Utah. But, I am not afraid. I believe that the Mormons have modified their doctrine regarding black folks.
Plus, I am not the onliest one! There are at least 4 of us. Safety in numbers!

After a 2 hour van ride from Las Vegas to the resort, I have since unpacked, met my roommate and found out that I am much fatter here than at home. "But, don't worry!" I was told. "With 7 hours of exercise each day, those numbers will change!" I AM 100% SURE that the brochure I initially downloaded said I would be working out 5 hours a day.  I wonder if I have a legitimate argument, or if they will feel my pain? Or, will they simply throw my numbers back in my face? I can hear Marjorie now, "Do you want to weigh !@#$% forever, tubby?

I guess I will give 7 hours a day a try. But, by Wednesday, don't be shocked if I "get lost" in the woods.

Dinner is at 5:30. I could have eaten 3 hours ago. Another orientation at 6:00pm. I guess they want us In & Out, so we won't eat too much.

Tomorrow looks something like this:

  • 6:00AM Yogalates
  • 7:00AM Breakfast
  • 8:00AM Hike--for 2.5 hrs.
  • 11:15      Stretch
  • 12:15PM Lunch
  • 1:15PM   Open Gym
  • 2:15PM  Intro to Circuit
  • 2:30PM  Core Training
  • 3:30PM  H2O Intervals
  • 4:30PM  Circuit Training
  • 5:30PM  Dinner
  • 6:15PM Lecture~spending your calories wisely