Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2

I woke this morning with a sore throat and coughing: yellow, green and red stuff-- ALL the wrong colors.
I am so worried that I will be knocked out of the ring by a cold. That would totally suck!
If only I could get dry and warm. I am sure that would help.

I made it to 6:00AM yogalates. I left for class early because I knew I would have to hobble to get there. Every part of my body ached--and still does.

I ended up being assigned to the hiking group for Intermediate Turtles. Today was much better because I had my iPOD and didn't have to make small talk with others. Talking, while hiking for maximum calorie burn, just doesn't work for me.

I did spend part of the hike crying in the rain. (Hey, I think that is an old R&B song.) I am just soooo tired, wet and homesick.  We only did 6 miles. Part of the trail was washed away by all this rain. (There are flood warnings in the area.)

Yet, I am no quitter. So, I will make it to all of my classes today and give 100%.

Thanks so much to Jim McMahon and my Russ for great music on my iPOD.

See you after lunch, etc.


  1. Here are a pair of arms lifting you up. So proud of you MAW-girl!!!!Think dry thoughts...and bring home some of that red dirt for a piece! If you don't use it, I will :D

  2. You are a strong woman, I know you can do it!

  3. Fergie-licious!!! I am so proud of you babe!

  4. You are a strong and amazing woman and you are going to be so proud of yourself when you get through the next 2 weeks. It will be worth it. You have totally got this. All your MAW friends are rooting for you!!!

    GO MONICA!!!!

  5. You are such an inspiration to me!! I hope the rain stops soon and you can enjoy some sunshine. Hang in there, I know you can do this girl!!! Love you!

  6. Keep on, keep on! Hope you get less sick and it gets less rainy. Regardless, though, onward is the thing.
