Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 10

I'm sorry I didn't get to post last night. I went to a group therapy session after dinner with the life coach on staff.  Afterwards, I did laundry. Then, crashed.
The therapy session was more of the same: People are nervous--or even afraid--to leave because they are unable to trust themselves around food and won't be able to exercise for 7 hours a day.  I am not nervous. Maybe, I am being naive. But, I don't think food has that much power over me. I just need to get organized and cook more meals--instead of mostly snacking all day. Well, that and to follow the carbohydrates, protein and fat combination rule at each meal. I can't believe how few calories I need eating this way.

It's cold and rainy again. In fact, it's snowing. 
Just like early last week, I am miserable. I hate hiking in the rain and going from class to class in the cold. One would think that because I am already wet with sweat that it wouldn't matter. But, it does. aargh!
Plus, I now have standard issue jungle rot on my feet--since they are wet 10 plus hours a day.
Burning, peeling and itchy feet seem to make the classes harder. LOL.
Ok, enough whining. Thanks for listening.

My situation could be worse. Several people were injured yesterday and today while hiking--sprain ankles, torn ligaments, etc. Thank goodness, I am not one of them! One lady planned to stay for another week. But, she has to reschedule for October after letting her knee heal. She is bummed big time.

Anyway, I plan to keep working hard. Although tomorrow, I will do 2.5 hours in the gym doing cardio, instead of hiking. I just CAN'T hike tomorrow in this weather.
I feel like my body is changing. 
4 more make magic happen.


  1. hi you...I am so proud of you! I think you are becoming an outdoor girl! I've been reading everyday and I thought I was responding but I couldn't find any comments from myself so I apologize - your pictures have been beautiful and I can't wait to see you! Not much longer now! Finish up strong! Lisa

  2. Monica, I am so amazed and proud of you! When Russ told me you were doing this I couldn't wait to read your blog. You are giving all of us new incentives to take charge of our lives. I can't wait to see you and hear more details.
    You ROCK!!!

  3. The worry wart in me was getting concerned yesterday when there wasn't a post. My over imaginative mind thought you might have fallen off one of those cliffs or you actually did try peeing outdoors and had a snake bite you in the ars! Just allowing yourself to crash was what your body needed I bet. Sorry to hear your feet are feeling icky.

    When you get back I would love to hear more about this carbohydrates, protein and fat combination rule!

    Keep up the good work. You ROCK!!!
